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Want To Became a GOOGLE ANALYTICS Superman.

If you’ve ever run a Google Adwords campaign, chances are you used Google Analytics in harmony with your ads, to keep track of conversions, your sales funnels, and keyword ROI. Setting out on an Adwords campaign without tracking your analytics is like throwing bundles of money into a dark room and hoping someone in there will throw a wad or two back your way. You can’t use Adwords effectively without a comprehensive system in place that will help you understand where your campaign is working and where it isn’t. Major Points to Work On : - Remarketing -Advanced Segments -Converters by count of visit. -Cart abandoners by traffic source. -Mobile traffic by operating system (excludes tablets).  -Visitor Activity Explore Entrances and Bounce Rate. -Link Analytics Account to your Adwords Account to: -Analysis customers interactions with your ads. -Analysis which ads are more funneling the most traffic and which aren't. -Find out...
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Article Submissoin - to Get More Backlinks!

Article Submission: To See Your site in Google Search: The second part of off page SEO is to submit information about your website to the web. This is article submission. Article submission plays an important role in increasing traffic to your site. Submit Articles to get more Backlinks:   Why submit articles? Many of us write high quality articles, but we don’t have many site visitors reading our work. You can submit an article and literally have thousands of readers worldwide, as your article is syndicated across the globe. Many people visit article submission sites to gather free articles to display on their websites. The benefits of submitting articles: Free Advertisement of your Site: Your about author box is your tool to promote your own site and personal site information that can be used to gain unlimited visitors to your website. First Remember, the people who read your article will want to read more about the same topic that you have written about, so be s...

What is Directory Submission in Seo and what are its benefits?

What is Directory Submission? A directory submission of a web site is submission of its title, address, description, meta description and meta keyword to a directory that allows submission by site owners. Directory submission refers to the process of adding your website to a web directory. Directory submission is the prominent method for gaining quality back links. It plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization and the higher the quality of incoming links. Here given a details how to submit your site to a web directory, follow these steps: Create your website details such as title, description, meta information etc. before submitting to a directory. Visit to a directory that allows site submission. Select a proper category of your site. Place your keyword in “Title” field. Submit your site description. Submit URL, which is to be ranked with keyword placed in “Title” field. Submit your business E-mail ID etc. Benefits of directories submission: In SEO we do everythi...