If you’ve ever run a Google Adwords campaign, chances are you used Google Analytics in harmony with your ads, to keep track of conversions, your sales funnels, and keyword ROI. Setting out on an Adwords campaign without tracking your analytics is like throwing bundles of money into a dark room and hoping someone in there will throw a wad or two back your way. You can’t use Adwords effectively without a comprehensive system in place that will help you understand where your campaign is working and where it isn’t. Major Points to Work On : - Remarketing -Advanced Segments -Converters by count of visit. -Cart abandoners by traffic source. -Mobile traffic by operating system (excludes tablets). -Visitor Activity Explore Entrances and Bounce Rate. -Link Analytics Account to your Adwords Account to: -Analysis customers interactions with your ads. -Analysis which ads are more funneling the most traffic and which aren't. -Find out...
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